Farmaci basati su RNA - Stevanato Group
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RNA – tecnologia di nuova generazione

L'uso sempre più diffuso delle farmaci basati su RNA, sia in flaconi per un rapido accesso al mercato, sia in siringhe pre-riempite (PFS) per un dosaggio preciso e una maggiore facilità d'uso, presenta alcune sfide tecniche da considerare, specialmente lungo la catena di fornitura, nella conservazione a freddo quando necessario, e nella gestione del ciclo di vita

Caratteristiche del farmaco RNA

La molecola RNA è tipicamente incapsulata in nanoparticelle lipidiche che mostrano un'elevata sensibilità ai particolati nel sistema di chiusura del contenitore. Ciò porta a diverse sfide produttive che un produttore di farmaci deve considerare.

Sfide principali
403 Cold Temperature

Durante la catena di fornitura nel caso della conservazione a freddo

164 Product Change Notification

Durante la gestione del ciclo di vita

199A Biologic Molecule

Garantire la stabilità del prodotto farmaceutico

67 Chemical Analysis

Integrazione e gestione di varie piattaforme tecnologiche (ad esempio, formulazione di nanoparticelle lipidiche)

rna-based cta hero gated DK
rna-based cta hero gated DK

Stevanato Group è il partner ideale per gli sviluppatori di farmaci basati su RNA, offrendo una strategia sicura e un approccio scientifico che garantisce precisione fin dal primo tentativo.

Stevanato Group può supportare i processi di produzione di farmaci basati su RNA con soluzioni complete che coprono l'intera catena del valore farmaceutico. La nostra posizione unica nel mercato ci consente di essere un fornitore integrato di packaging primario, macchinari e servizi analitici.

Stevanato Group è il partner ideale per la tecnologia farmaci basati su RNA perché riduciamo i tempi di immissione sul mercato, offrendo una soluzione corretta al primo tentativo attraverso un'unica interfaccia.

infographics integrated offering rna based drug
infographics integrated offering rna based drug

Le nostre soluzioni

EZ-fill® Kit

Sei in fase clinica? Scopri come il nostro EZ-fill® Kit può aiutarti!

Dati e Risultati

Le nostre siringhe EZ-fill® ITC hanno superato tutte le principali sfide che abbiamo investigato. Controlla i risultati qui sotto:


Container Closure Integrity (CCI) is maintained at -70°C

Pre-fillable syringes have several components that compose the system, and deep cold storage is a big challenge to maintaining all the materials' integrity.


Chart: No CO2 was detected in all 30 ITC filled syringes tested through Carbon Dioxide headspace analysis, indicating that no defect allowing CO2 ingress occurred due to any material property changes at -70°C. The controls in both cases performed as expected, showing a substantial ingress of CO2 for the positive control, and no CO2 ingress for the negative controls.

We tested and confirmed no loss of CCI of EZ-fill® ITC syringes after 7 days of storage at -70°C. Tests executed through CO2 Headspace Analysis showed no relevant signals of carbon dioxide ingress after a 1-week freezing cycle whilst also verifying the plunger displacement phenomenon confirming the suitability of EZ-fill® ITC system for mRNA applications.


Syringes functionality and closure functionality are not impacted by low temperature of storage.

Low temperature can also affect the functionality of the overall system. Two of the most important parameters that describe the system's functionality are Break Loose and Gliding Force.

Break Loose -40°C

Glide force -40°C

Charts: The test showed that freezing storage has no impact on break loose and gliding force, confirming no functional impact from Room Temperature to -40°C.

We tested - after 1-week storage at -40°C - filled ITC syringes and they showed excellent Break Loose and Gliding Force* performance with comparable results before and after freezing storage.


* ISO 11040-4:2015 as a standard reference

ITC unscrewing torque and opening force

We tested the ITC closure unscrew* after 5 cycles at -50° storage with extraordinary results. The test showed no statistical difference in unscrewing torque (Tmax) between the sub-categories, confirming that ITC closure functionality is guaranteed after freezing condition, with no impact on usability for the final user.

Chart: No evidence of difference in unscrewing force for all the 50 ITC syringes tested for each category.

Mechanical properties are not affected after freezing condition storage

Deep cold storage may stress the glass barrel of a PFS system causing potential system failures.

Mechanical resistance

Chart: Results at Room Temperature and at -40°C are comparable, confirming that freezing did not affect glass resistance to breakage.

Regarding mechanical properties, Burst Test* performed on Stevanato Group ITC syringe did not show difference in glass barrel resistance between -40°C and room temperature storage conditions, confirming good mechanical performances.


* ISO 7458:2004 as standard reference.

Ensuring CCI at -80°C: Ideal vial solution for pharma cold storage

Market Insight
Covid-19 and the subsequent rise of mRNA vaccines brought new types of therapies to the market that require storage at deep-cold temperatures down to -80 °C.

The stress on the glass at these low temperatures increases the chance of vial breakage. The risk of breakage is extremely important to pharmaceutical companies due to the high values od drug cointained.

Increased assurance about the compatibility of glass containers with cold storage conditions is key for pharmaceutical companies.

In this increasingly complex application, EZ-fill® vials are a proven solution to make life easier for customers. Find out Fina® Vial’s optimal performances with deep-cold drug applications and complex cold-chain requirements for both Mechanical & Container Closure Integrity (CCI) performance

Ensuring mechanical resistance with Vertical Compression Test & Burst Test (CTQAs investigated in the study)

Identify and determine the impact (if any) on glass vials’ mechanical resistance to Axial Load and Internal Pressure of storage conditions of -80°C over a period of 7 days

Vertical Compression and Burst test

2R Fina® quality glass can withstand a conditioning at -80°C for a prolonged period of time without impacting its mechanical performance.

Ensuring Containet Closure Integrity with Headspace Gas Analysis

Determine CCI during stability at 25°C/60% RH and -80°C at two different time points (T0 and T6 months) over a storage period of 6 months.

Use of Headspace Gas Analysis technique, based on the measurement of the headspace carbon dioxide content in the samples after exposure to a carbon dioxide enriched environment at the target temperatures.

no CO2 detected in all the samples. 2R Fina® vial geometry, in combination with different closure systems, can maintain CCI for a prolonged period of time under the testing conditions

The configurations tested showed no statistically significant difference before and after conditioning.


Mechanical Performances in deep freezing

Mechanical performances scheme

White Paper

Le terapie a base di mRNA in aumento: sfide per il packaging primario e soluzioni per testare le migliori prestazioni.