Downtown Hotel
Downtown Hotel
For more than 25 years, PDA and the FDA have collaborated on the PDA/FDA Joint Regulatory Conference, a premier pharmaceutical manufacturing industry event where participants have the unique opportunity to engage directly with FDA representatives and industry experts.
Attendees return to this popular Conference year after year to hear FDA regulators provide updates on current efforts affecting the development of global regulatory strategies, and industry experts present case studies illustrating how they use global strategies to improve the quality of medical products.
Built around the exciting theme, “Ensuring Product Quality in an Era of Innovative Therapies,” this year’s Conference agenda will highlight the advanced biomedical innovations leading to safer and more effective therapies for patients. Plenary, concurrent, breakfast, and interest group sessions will provide new perspectives and best practices on a variety of important industry topics
We are glad to invite you to visit our tabletop #17 in order to know more about our product lines and Ompi EZ-fill solutions: vials, cartridges and syringes ready-to-fill.
For any further information, please contact us at