OMNI Shoreham Hotel
OMNI Shoreham Hotel
The PDA Glass Quality Conference is an important occasion to delve into the most recent developments occurred in the pharmaceutical glass packaging industry.
The 2018 edition will be focused on the latest research results about analytical test methods, process controls, glass handling practices, and inspection techniques. There will be also time to talk about improved glasses and new formulations, glass strengthening techniques and special coatings.
The aim of the event program is to brainstorm possible solutions for glass-drug interactions, glass breakage and glass particulate issues.
Stevanato Group will be present at the event thanks also to the contribution of:
Daniele Zuccato, Core Team Leader, Ompi - « ICG TC12 "Pharma Packaging": Procedure for a Proper Autoclaving Cycle According to the Pharmacopeiae»
Riccardo Gallo, Manager, Customer Quality Management, Ompi - « A Breakthrough Coating Technology for High-Demanding Drugs».